The steam is coming off the pond this morning because the air is cooler than the water. What a beautiful morning with nature singing by way of living creatures. Geese honking overhead and a few on the pond, squirrels barking, blue jays calling out, crows calling, a few turkeys making a clucking sound, and songbirds joining in with them.
I can hear the woodpeckers working on the trees. I am amazed at how many different species of woodpeckers we have in Southern Illinois.
Look for the beauty of life, it is all around us. Be positive as much as possible. Bless someone today with a warm greeting and smile.
I remember many nights walking by moon light when I was young. I loved to walk along an old road or path and watch the star formations while the moon was giving me enough light to see without any problems. Some of these nights were while I was coon hunting listening to the dogs run and watching the beautiful sky.
I would have time to reflect on how big the creation really is and learning the bark of each dog. Most of the time we would have a certain dog that would open up on a trail first and the rest would join in.
We would rush over hills and down hollows to stay in hearing of the dogs and when they finally treed, we would make our way to them. We would find the coon in the trees with our lights and shortly afterwards we would be on another chase.
Some may wonder why on earth anyone would do this. It was a way of life for many when I was growing up. Nothing was ever wasted the coon was cooked and the hide was sold for clothing or coats to be made.
I still like sitting out watching the moon climb high into the sky or going down either one. I still look at the stars and wonder about why God formed each one of them. I have not coon hunted for years; it seemed after I got married, I was too busy working and raising my children.
My son come to me one day and told me he wanted to start hunting. I told him alright; we are going to learn the right way. I bought us a couple shotguns with slug barrels to deer hunt with and a regular barrel for other hunting. Each year we spent quality time together. We usually filled our deer tags the first morning of each season. We would check them in and head to the River Restaurant to eat a good fish lunch. Later we would process our meat.
Adam learned a lot about how I grew up hunting and supplying meat for the table. He was taught not to take anything he was not going to eat. That was a principle I was raise by. I am still that way today. The old saying waste not, want not has a lot of merit in it.
I think about the days we would have to carry water to the house to wash clothes. We didn't have running water for years and really didn't miss something we didn't have.
That was the days a water bucket was set on a table or cabinet top with a dipper in it. Everyone drank from the same dipper, and no one thought any think about it. Those days are long gone, but they held great value for me. I feel like I appreciate what I do have today, because of what I didn't have in the past.
I have countless stories I could tell and probably will as time moves forward, about my early days.
Sometimes I just feel like writing my thoughts and I guess this is one of those times.
Written by Harold E. Miller
I went to St Louis yesterday and did a funeral for a very special person my Aunt Rheta Townsend. I got to see all four of her children and grandchildren plus a lot of my relatives I cherish dearly.
I was very appreciative of the family for giving me the privilege of preaching the service. I love each and every one of my Missouri family and those that live out of state.
We are all walking the path towards eternity. I am praying that all will accept the free gift Christ has offered. We can't earn it nor do we deserve it, but by faith through grace it is the greatest gift of all.
I came back to a great revival service last evening and it rounded out my day. I was really thankful that my wife was up to the trip with me, it makes it much better to have her along.
We both were heavy hearted thinking about our son on his birthday and needed time together.
I am looking forward to the last night of revival this evening. Come and be with us. Honey Comb Church of God 99 Karbers Ridge Road.
Written by Harold E. Miller
I went to St Louis yesterday and did a funeral for a very special person my Aunt Rheta Townsend. I got to see all four of her children and grandchildren plus a lot of my relatives I cherish dearly.
I was very appreciative of the family for giving me the privilege of preaching the service. I love each and every one of my Missouri family and those that live out of state.
We are all walking the path towards eternity. I am praying that all will accept the free gift Christ has offered. We can't earn it nor do we deserve it, but by faith through grace it is the greatest gift of all.
I came back to a great revival service last evening and it rounded out my day. I was really thankful that my wife was up to the trip with me, it makes it much better to have her along.
We both were heavy hearted thinking about our son on his birthday and needed time together.
I am looking forward to the last night of revival this evening. Come and be with us. Honey Comb Church of God 99 Karbers Ridge Road.
Written by Harold E. Miller
The words of an old song are ringing in my ears this morning. When the trumpet of the Lord will sound and time will be no more. These are Words that give us hope beyond this present life. Time is only important in this present life.
Once we get to God's prepared place for us we will never have to worry about time running out. Nothing will be done on a time table, because time has become forever. No sorrows, no sickness, no trials, no tribulations this will all be passed away.
We will live with the King of glory. He will be our light and there will never be darkness again. His faithful people will be given the promise of eternal life. What will the new heavens and the new earth be like? I don't think we have the answer for this question, but by faith I believe it will be the greatest place ever known.
I am drawing ever nearer to the day I will be finding out and my heart is overflowing with the joy of the Lord that will take me home.
Earthly gain is very temporary, but eternal gain will be the greatest riches we have ever known and will not pass away.
I have been asked over the years, what if you're wrong and there is no heaven. I can tell them very quickly I know there is a heaven and a God that created it, because I can feel him living in my soul. I proceed to tell them living a Christian life is the best route anyone could take no matter what. I am not lying, cheating, committing crimes, nor cursing.
I walk in the love of God and it causes me to love others. I love good fellowship and seeing people's lives blessed. Peter told the lame man, " Sliver and Gold have have none, but what I have I give it to you. In the Name of Jesus rise and walk."
I may not be able to give money to all in need, but I can share the Love of God. Which do you suppose the lame man would rather have had, money or healing? This worlds riches will fade away, but heaven is forever.
Written by Harold E. Miller
We are living in the time Scripture is being fulfilled daily and yet, many don't even know it is happening.
Those of us who do are drawing ourselves closer to God. Revival is highly important. It is time for us to seek God's will for our own life.
I don't condemn people; however, I do condemn sin and preach against it. I don't have the right to throw stones at anyone, but I do have the right to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
It is not I that brings condemnation to the world, it is the Word of God. It is our guide to heaven.
We are still in revival seeing lives changed one at a time.
We have several facing troublesome waters, but God will deliver them. They are prepared to face the battle with God on their side.
Always remember we are striving to make heaven our home. Stand strong, square your shoulders back and march forward in God.
Written by Harold E Miller
We are living in the time Scripture is being fulfilled daily and yet, many don't even know it is happening.
Those of us who do are drawing ourselves closer to God. Revival is highly important. It is time for us to seek God's will for our own life.
I don't condemn people; however, I do condemn sin and preach against it. I don't have the right to throw stones at anyone, but I do have the right to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
It is not I that brings condemnation to the world, it is the Word of God. It is our guide to heaven.
We are still in revival seeing lives changed one at a time.
We have several facing troublesome waters, but God will deliver them. They are prepared to face the battle with God on their side.
Always remember we are striving to make heaven our home. Stand strong, square your shoulders back and march forward in God.
Written by Harold E Miller
We would love for you to become part of our family.
Sunday School 9:30 am
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 am
with Children's Church 10:30 am
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wednesday 7:00 pm